This is a teaching practice ....
Published on August 12
With your permission, you may see the following types of learners during your office visit..
Junior Medical Students – These learners are in their first 2 years of training. They may talk to you initially on their own, and review your presenting complaint and medical history. They are supervised closely by your physician, who will also see you and direct all of your medical care.
Senior Medical Students – These learners are in their last 2 years of medical school. Although you may be seen by them on their own, everything will be reviewed with your physician, and you will see your physician before leaving the office.
First Year Family Practice Residents – These learners have their medical degree and can see you on their own. They can order tests and prescribe medications. They will be supervised during your visit.
Second Year Family Practice Residents – These learners are medical doctors in their final year of training. They are able to see you and discharge you on their own. They may seek the advice of their supervisor. All charts are reviewed by your family doctor at the end of the working day.